Who Was One of the First People on Art Bell to Talk About Obe

I used to work obscenely late hours in my QA days at Bliizard and I would listen to Art Bell alone in my car belatedly at dark outside an undeveloped area of Irvine looking at the hills and the stars at 1am for my dinner break. I however mind to Declension to Coast for 30 minutes every night for the bumper music or more if the topic is interesting.

It's funny... pretty much the simply time/place I ever want to listen to Coast to Declension AM is when I'm in my car, driving somewhere overnight, and it'southward 2:00 in the morning and I'm on the Interstate halfway between Bumfuck and Nowhereville. In that setting, in that location is something magical most it.

Aye! That is exactly me. Coast to Coast AM at 11:30 in the morning time, through headphones, in a cubicle is just incorrect.

Too the audio needs to leave when yous become through a tunnel or around a bend. And then you have to hunt for it again on the punch through all the static on another station.

Null beats late 1990's Fine art Bell on the centre of the nighttime, growing more than enthralled (and paranoid) by the minute!

So many addicted memories of listening to Art Bong. Your comment captures this.

The Area 51 call in shows were astonishing. Mel's Hole is some other one.

Was a bully fourth dimension to capeesh radio. RIP Art Bell. You are missed.

The only exposure I've had to Art Bell was on a drive from Chicago to San Francisco with my brother, who turned it on in the middle of the dark driving somewhere in Wyoming.

Yup, same. Driving somewhere in between Elizabeth, NJ and Montreal every ii-3 weeks overnight. Co-driver is proverb stuff like "I'chiliad getting sleepy, find the lizard people on the radio."

Back in the 90s, my girlfriend and I would go out drinking and end the night in the back of her van listening to Art Bell and sobering up. The show I remember most was when a guy called maxim he was flying into surface area 51 and Art was trying to talk him out of it.

Yep that one and the just every bit chilling and lesser known one where the line gets mysteriously cutoff after some guy claims he discovered the secret to all phenomena being in the form of inter dimensional beings living among us.

If yous're flying in airspace where you have legal permission to fly, and communicating with Air Traffic Control where required, so you tin can take pictures of annihilation you can see.

Also note the deviation between flying into restricted airspace and flying by information technology.

I worked a graveyard shift for a while and would listen to C2C on my "lunch" breaks at 2AM. It was a fun bear witness to mind to at that weird fourth dimension of nighttime by yourself.

It was far less fun whatsoever time George Noory was invitee hosting. He just let guests run unchallenged. Art Bong was good at going on the guest'south journey without letting them go too far off in the weeds.

The few times I've listened to Noory since he permanently took over, it seems like his guests most always accept something to sell. The funniest instance I can retrieve (and this was > v years ago) was a guy whose spiel was, "the Pope is the Antichrist, ane day shortly the UFOs will announced higher up the balcony at the Vatican, the Pope will innovate the conflicting ambassador, that will be the beginning of the end times… and if you want to know more, buy my $29.95 book and DVD set!"

If information technology's not like that, information technology's healing crystals or some other weird culling wellness stuff. In that way, Noory practically turned the prove into SkyMall for the conspiracy subculture. Art'south guests just as oft exhibited an earnest belief in whatsoever weirdness they were bringing.

Art always felt more than like satire to me.

Noory is just another radio guy and tends to inject conservative radio trope into something that was actually pure fun and wacky stuff.

Art Bell had the absolute best voice for late night radio. Used to listen to him on my overnight road trips between Salt Lake and Vegas. Just the endless desert under a full moon, and Art's guest is rambling on near interdimensional beings. Could about believe it for that moment.

1 of my favorite things virtually Art was the tension. Did he believe what his guests and callers are saying? Or is he merely humoring them for the show? I never knew the answer. Not sure if I would want to know.

Used to listen to him on my overnight route trips between Salt Lake and Vegas. Just the endless desert under a total moon, and Fine art'due south guest is rambling on about interdimensional beings. Could well-nigh believe it for that moment.

Yeah, in that location's something almost that time of night, existence out on the open route. Reality seems a footling flake, erm, looser, or something. I remember it's simply that all you lot have is you, the radio, blackness, stars, maybe the moon, and possibly a cow or a coyote or something. In those moments, there'due south less "stuff" to slap you in the face up and remind you "Hey asshole, in that location's no such things equally aliens, UFOs, ghosts, zombies, time-traveling Titors, etc." Y'all only stare off into the black, see the millions (or so) of stars y'all can see, listen to the static-crackling AM radio, and, wait is that lite actually a star? NO... information technology's blinking incorrect...

Unfortunately his voice came from a lifetime of smoking cigarettes that eventually contributed to his death.

Sometimes shame is useful. Cigarettes are gross and unhealthy, non just for the user, but for the people around them. It is a costly habit, and most importantly, often leads to premature decease. If anybody I care about smokes, you tin bet your ass I'm shaming them. They shouldn't be doing it.

Just something like 10-15% of lifelong heavy smokers in the United States develop lung cancer. Something like twenty-thirty% of all lung cancer comes from life-long non-smokers.

Shame doesn't piece of work in the style yous think it does. Particularly when the target of the shaming knows the reasons why they're being shamed. More probable you're merely going to be traumatizing and pushing away your loved ones.

https://www.cdc.gov/cancer/lung/basic_info/risk_factors.htm :

> In the United States, cigarette smoking is linked to nigh 80% to 90% of lung cancer deaths.

> People who fume cigarettes are 15 to 30 times more likely to become lung cancer or die from lung cancer than people who do not smoke.

> Cigarette smoking can cause cancer about anywhere in the body. Cigarette smoking causes cancer of the mouth and throat, esophagus, breadbasket, colon, rectum, liver, pancreas, voicebox (larynx), trachea, bronchus, kidney and renal pelvis, urinary bladder, and cervix, and causes acute myeloid leukemia.

And https://www.cdc.gov/tobacco/data_statistics/fact_sheets/heal... :

> Smoking causes more deaths each yr than... [HIV, illegal drug use, alcohol, automobile injuries, and firearms]

> Smoking causes about 90% (or 9 out of 10) of all lung cancer deaths.

> Smoking causes about lxxx% (or 8 out of 10) of all deaths from chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).

The 2nd link includes a lovely listing of other smoking-related health risks.

That'south non a straight response to "But something like 10-15% of lifelong heavy smokers in the United States develop lung cancer." Instead it's a copy-pasted list of big numbers.

Jet ski riding causes 100% of jet ski accident deaths, but that tells me very little almost the safety of riding a jet ski.

Not here to defend smoking, but to defend argument.

Shaming single mothers or having a baby out of wedlock or shaming someone for beingness gay are great examples why you shouldn't shame people and why the practice should shamed out of existance.

I'1000 not going to speak to those particular examples, only shaming someone for a voluntary act, such every bit committing a crime, is very different from shaming someone for something they are and cannot command, like their race or their gender. Those why the latter are considered "protected classes" for the purpose of anti-discrimination laws.

That'due south a very mutual rubric, but also a very offensive 1. The reason we should consider those protected classes (nether detail circumstances) is because nosotros have judged discrimination against them in areas of employment and housing to be both irrational and damaging (because limits on employment and housing are damaging.)

Information technology's not because it'south morally incorrect to punish someone for existence bad if they tin can't assist being bad. That's why we allow people to plead non guilty for reason of insanity. People in protected classes aren't bad.

edit: this is the kind of thinking that leads people to desperately wait for gay genes - because otherwise, they wouldn't be able to justify laws disallowment discrimination confronting gay people.

I relate it to modern child-worship: the belief that babies are born purely. without stain, and are thereby most deserving of life and happiness; only from the first moment of life the decisions that they brand cover their souls with filth, gradually making them less deserving of life and happiness. Therefore, past applying this extreme Protestant reasoning to modern science, the things in your genes can't be judged because they were placed there by God. If yous die considering your sin literally turns your lungs black and diseased, the nearly of import thing to do is condemn your corpse then no babies will follow your example.

As a order nosotros've largely dealt with the latter problem by deeming children less capable of making rational decisions, and therefore belongings them to a different, lower level of responsibility for them. This can be observed particularly in how we punish them differently than we do adults for their misdeeds.

Being a single mother or having relations outside of marriage tin can be a choice.

Shaming someone for choosing a religion different than their parents or shaming someone because they accept picked a job you recall lowly considering they are non a protected class is not a expert plenty reason.

I'm not sure where the option to brand a choice can be found. People get where their will takes them.

If the impulse to commit a crime is stiff enough, they'll commit a crime. If some internal voice of reason holds them back, then they'll hold back. Just in both instances, their actions were guided exist preexisting circumstances, not by any choice they made.

It'south funny how fast that attitude changes when someone y'all know dies of something you lot could take helped prevent. Of a sudden you feel like you've got blood on your hands, and that maybe sometimes other people need a nudge or a kick in the correct direction.

Guilt is mutual after a loved one dies. If y'all merely stopped them from eating butter they may have not had a eye attack. If you were there you lot your grandma might not take slipped.

I don't think we have the command we educate ourselves into believing.

For every nag or nudge you create a riff where you are trying to impose your will. Whether it is about smoking, the person they are dating or their career selection your nudges are probably less helpful and more than harmful then they appear.

At around the 1:21:00 mark of Ep69 we get into extreme net nostalgia when Art's make new website gets overloaded after announcing some new photos he uploaded. He got his web guy on the air to explain the phenomena.

Just a smashing little bit of internet nostalgia from the 90's in living AM filtered audio. Worth a listen on the 1 hour and 21 infinitesimal marking.

Art Bell was amazing in the belatedly 1990s........so I remember his son being sexually assaulted messed him up because was all downhill after that. He would constantly flake out and e'er had an excuse. He finally got a new prove, then claimed people were shooting guns outside of his house then he had to cancel his show. Always some kind of drama with him for the terminal fifteen years of his life.

This is a scam. Period. I just said. In my telephone three times in a row. Abel didn't on the rights to well-nigh of the shows he did. Clear Channel did. They didn't sell them to his wife or anyone else. Whoever is running the site is making money off art bell. Fine art probably wouldn't of minded this at all past the way but I do. I happily gave coin to Art when he was live simply when he checked out he checked out. There'due south a better option on Apple anyhow for fine art bell. Rekola Midnight. I'm certain that's not anything to do with his family either. Information technology'southward but that they're not looking for Patreon donations. Have people no shame that they'll stoop so low to prey on a expressionless man'due south legacy?

That's an interesting signal you're bringing up. Needs to be looked into further. Peradventure you could alert Apple to potential copyright infringement? I personally just found this on my Spotify feed and got a nostalgia pang so wanted to share. The only link I could find was for Apple...

I dear Art Bong and late night spooky AM radio.

Who'due south behind this patreon and podcast, though? I don't see any show that his estate is benefitting.

Do they actually own the rights to these onetime broadcasts? I'd exist surprised. Coast to Coast's website has an "Art Bell Vault" with one-time episodes. I bet they're the rights-holder, rather than whoever is behind this podcast.

Edit: the matter of ownership doesn't necessarily matter to me, merely I am curious as to who is behind this.

Art owned the name and other branding for at least a period of time, but it's entirely possible Premiere (part of iHeartMedia now I believe) eventually acquired information technology. The actual shows are probably Premiere's.

Unless I have been misinformed, the vault has been washed with the manor's approval and his widow and kids support the Patreon based on the C2C FB groups; who is direct managing information technology has never been made publicly clear that I tin find.

If yous are an Art Bell fan you owe information technology to yourself to heed to the Phil Hendrie parodies of the show that he did back in early 00's ...

"N of the rockies ... Due south of the rockies ..."

Phil Hendrie was my favorite become-to nighttime desert driving companion. That guy was hilarious with his "simulated news".

While not an Art Bell fan, I do think when he was on The Today Show or Good Forenoon America, the hosts laughed and chided him nigh his book warning of the coming super storms and ascent ocean levels from global warming.

Human, what ever happened to Phil Hendrie? I loved his episode where he had the preacher on who was making the case that god hated trailer parks because they were impermanent homes, and he gave the Israelites a permanent abode, therefore that'southward why tornadoes always hit trailer parks.

He'due south got a podcast now. I subscribe but it's just not the aforementioned as it was in the KFI days. No callers and no iv-act construction.

Also, the characters' voices all sound suspiciously like in a mode that they didn't over shitty AM radio…

Phil was astonishing back then. I have a "Best Of" CD somewhere; I should rip it.

He yet has his podcast. Actually on the anniversary of Art Bell's death, Phil played some of the episodes that he did in collaboration with Fine art Bell.

Oh man, I think listening to Ghost to Ghost when Art Bell used to take calls from audience for Halloween. Those were some of the all-time shows! Also, does everyone recall the testify where some dude called him while supposedly flying over Area 51? Thank you for sharing this list!

Many drives across the state Fine art kept me awake. The more crazy and outrageous, the more warning I remained. Seemed like a feature I'thou sure saved lives in the short term; and seemed, at the time, harmless in the long term.

I'thousand in the Great britain, and I would listen to Fine art Bell recordings tardily night in the office (absolutely HAS to be listened to tardily at night!). I always loved the slightly solitary, ominous vibe it conjured up, and I'm delighted to hear other people describe the Verbal aforementioned thing! Reading some people's memories on here about listening while driving through the nighttime desert in the Due south Western US - proper UFO country! That must have been super intense.

Balance in Peace, Art. I spent many many nights glued to my radio listening to your prove.

Oh man I recollect a series of episodes about a tech ceo (American Computer Co or something like that) spilling the beans about all the info tech came from reversed conflicting arts and crafts, the Shockley semi conductor was a embrace and bong labs was and then productive because they were working from examples. My younger self ate information technology up, lots of nostalgia for those late nighttime spooky revelations.

Now that I think most it I believe these episodes were from Jeff Rense who'south show was similar, lots of ufos, paranormal, etc.

The ninety's while in college, pulling belatedly nights working on homework listening to Art Bong was like an old friend telling you crazy stories and bringing in guests to tell even crazier stories. And every in one case in a while you'd think actually? Is that true? Nah...couldn't exist.

Request for advice: I don't know Fine art Bong, though the name seems like one I have heard previously. Would you suggest me to just start listening, or would yous advise me to use a search engine first? Equally a guide to your advice, were it Andy Kaufman or Henry Fielding, the communication I'd want would be "merely start watching" or "just start reading"; only if it were Robin Hanson, the communication I'd want would be "read this report most Hanson at the bookish philanthropy meeting first."

Only dive in. You could detect a list of the more far-out episodes. But the fun of Art was not knowing what to expect. Even when the invitee was wearisome, there might be a caller who wants to talk in item nigh the starship that abducted them terminal night.

Fine art Bell was an American broadcaster and author. He was the founder and the original host of the paranormal-themed radio plan Coast to Coast AM, which is syndicated on hundreds of radio stations in the United States and Canada. He besides created and hosted its companion evidence Dreamland. Declension to Coast even so airs nightly.

He died in 2018.

At that place are some existent archetype episodes that are an amazing introduction. There'southward ane where a guy calls in from his jail cell phone while ion a Cessna about to fly over Area 51. Art urges him non to do information technology . The last we hear from him is his reports of fighter jets approaching.

That's not even an interview it's just a caller!

Fifty-fifty if completely fake, the entertainment value was huge.

I'll answer subsequently with some links to 2-iii of the best classics in my opinion.

Thank you! Call back "Mel's Hole"? The bottomless pit in rural Oregon or Washington where people had been throwing downward all sort of stuff (like refrigerators) without the hole filling up in the slightest. It was taken over by the armed forces, according to Mel, on his 2nd interview.

I listened to Art Bell'south coast to declension AM program a few times as a child, and I think it doesn't need to much in the way of introduction. I vote that you just swoop in, but I will say that simply diving in is a stiff bias of mine.

My dad loves going to sleep with the radio on. My mom isn't a fan, and is more than of a night owl. She would curl into bed betwixt 12 and 4 and hear the quiet voices on the radio discussing all manner of alien visits, conspiracy theories, etc. She would turn it off, get to sleep, and he would turn it back on if he woke up.

Lots of belatedly nights in loftier school learning about Linux and basic networking things while listening to Art Bong in the groundwork.

I take been trying to find the episode where he talks virtually monsters that are almost human being, but accept two rows of teeth.

I took all the mp3s I nerveless of the show, dumped them through dictation, and grepped like a madman. I have a existent appreciation for people that are good at this.

We listened to it in the belatedly 90s as teens turning 20 and nosotros would be absolutely petrified past the combination of existence that historic period, from that time, and up that late. It was great.

What was a wonderful pre-apocalyptic fizz guilty pleasure back in the 90s is now the sorry forerunner to MAGA. Why are people so utterly stupid?

Simply, for real, I was in the theater next to Art Bell when he watched Contact. And you know how much he loved that picture show.

That said, the night the satellite feed was cutting after the supposed Area 51 worker called in and said everything about the aliens was real was to die for.

That was back before the fringe was, like everything else in our culture, politically weaponized. It was largely apolitical back then, or if there were politics it was 90s libertarianism of a sort that seems shockingly sane today. Much of the audition and I recall Bong himself were pretty skeptical too. It was about having fun and exploring wild possibilities, like a radio version of the onetime Amazing Stories pulp serials.

No he hated Bill Clinton and he said and so many times. It wasn't the beat yous to decease with a hammer if you disagree with me because you hate America kind of politics but it was always there if you asked him and I actually did to his face because, you know, sitting side by side to him in the theater and all that.

This is dorsum before the fringe were 1) named the big bad of the media, and 2) networking with each other on the internet. The fringe believed the same stuff they do now (in broad strokes) and was but as large as it is now.

As a collector of John Birch and Communist blacklist material, none of this is new. Wait up Eustace Mullins.

edit: or for the mystic, Savitri Devi.

The fringe I recollect wasn't the aforementioned as what you remember but the fringe is very heterodox by definition. If you want lefty conspiracies await upwards Mae Brussel and Dave Emory.

Lefty and righty conspiracy theories tend to mix freely in the wild. This soup of weirdness thing is i characteristic of the true fringe.

Maybe there was a previous era of weaponization in the 50s. The time I recall was the post Common cold War 90s. The current weaponization started later nine/11 with transparent Saudi money in the "truther" movement and so went into high gear when the Trump team got into information technology.

Recurrent subjects on his prove were things like The Cosmic Watergate, MJ-12, and all sorts of other slashfic derived from the Roswell crash, whatever that really was. Existent-life events like the satellite feed getting cut while on the air, the regime stopping an Area 51 lawsuit on the grounds that Area 51 did not officially exist, and hilariously faux establish footage kept spraying lighter fluid on the fire to keep information technology from burning out. But, IMO, none of it was as crazy as the QAnon folk expecting JFK Jr to bear witness up in Dealey Plaza last week.

I mean I choose to believe in that location's life out there myself, I'1000 just skeptical that we're worth more than a unmarried disappointing visit.

Only the slap-up Art Bell could have y'all on a ride while questioning the mystique of the nighttime from the Kingdom of Nye

Remember listening to Art Bell as a teenager when I would become to bed at night. Would scan for channels on my clock radio. Take no idea where the AM signal was coming from but it was interesting listening and was dissimilar what I was used to hearing on the radio.

I loved Fine art Bell. My wife and I would stay up late rehabbing our first house listening to Fine art. I'k convinced all of the talk near the wall on the southern border was a smokescreen to hibernate the extent of the Chupacabra problem in Texas and New Mexico

Possibly when they say it's about keeping out aliens they hateful bodily aliens. Also why we need a space force!

Art Bell was 1 of a kind. Out at that place, but a mostly harmless lovable breed of crazy.

And then many great memories from the 1990s and early 2000s… driving in the dark over solitary desert roads in the American southwest with Art Bell.

This is one of the skillful podcasts that I used to listen when I'm alone driving late at dark going at home.

Art Bell was probably a sort of proto-Alex Jones, i.e. a controlled and managed outlet for parapolitical topics and a way to mix up the truth with a hefty dose of misinfo and shitcoating.

Mae Brussell'southward entire back catalog is easy to find if you're looking for something along these lines without the compromised elements. Dave Emory also has a massive library and is still going strong, doing great piece of work on the origins of SARS-CoV-2 in item. For modernistic-twenty-four hours parapolitical podcasts there's The Liminalist, Subliminal Jihad, The Farm, Psyop Picture palace, and many others.


Source: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=29194015

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